10 Simply Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to EMF Pollution

EMF pollution is on the rise. From cell phones to smart meters, microwave ovens, earbuds, wifi, and smart watches, almost everything we use emits electromagnetic frequencies. While it is impossible to avoid EMFs, it is possible to reduce your exposure to them by following these ten simple tips.

But first, let’s take a deeper look into EMFs and why you want to lessen your exposure to them!

What Are EMFs?

EMFs is short for electromagnetic frequencies. Everything that plugs into a wall or uses a battery emits EMFs. Everything that communicates without the use of wires emits wireless radiation. Wireless radiation is another form of EMF. Also called microwave radiation or radiofrequency radiation (RF), this type of radiation is non-ionizing, but studies show it is still very dangerous.

Wireless Radiation

Wireless radiation is now all around us. Your cell phone, your smart TV, your earbuds, your smart watch, your GPS, your wireless mouse, your home security system, your wireless baby intercom—all of these gadgets emit microwave radiation. With microwave radiation, the closer you are to the source, the stronger the radiation is and the more potential harm it can do to your body.

While we all have a lot of wireless devices in our homes, there are also a plethora of wireless radiation polluters outside our homes. Cell towers and 5G antennas are all around us. Just a few decades ago, cell towers did not exist.
The website SteelInTheAir.com estimates that there were over 400,000 cell tower sites in the United States at the start of 2024. That number is constantly growing. And with it, the amount of background radiation.

Background Radiation

Like the name suggests, background radiation is radiation that is present in our environments. While the earth and the sun do emit radiation that makes up some of our background radiation, this natural radiation is good for our bodies and keeps us healthy.

Man-made radiation from technology is not good for our bodies. This radiation causes our bodies stress and makes it difficult for them to function.
Cell towers, smart meters, 5G, and wifi are major sources of background radiation today. If you are able to connect to the internet wirelessly or make a cell phone call, then you know there is background radiation present.

Sometimes people think if they move to the country, they will escape background radiation. While it is true that urban areas are generally higher in background radiation, rural areas are not free from radiation. Many times very powerful cell towers are erected in rural areas to make sure cell phone signals can be picked up successfully.

EMF Exposure Is Cumulative

Effects are not always felt immediately, but chronic exposure over time can lead to acute symptoms that become chronic. Modern homes are EMF hotbeds, so most people are being continuously exposed to EMFs. Wireless internet and 5G are used in most homes today. Smart meters are also now in use, along with smart homes.

Health Risks Associated With EMFs

High rates of cancer, neurological disorders, miscarriages, infertility, sleep disturbances, suppressed immunity, ADD, depression, and more have all been linked to exposure to EMFs.

10 Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to EMF Pollution

Fortunately, there are some simple ways to go about reducing the exposure to EMFs in your home for your family and your pets.

1. Laptops should never be placed on the lap. All laptop manuals state this. Distance yourself from the EMF field from your laptop by placing it on a table.

2. Avoid charging cell phones and digital devices in the bedroom during sleep. Charging produces a high EMF field. Move charging devices out of the bedroom at night.

3. Avoid using a cell phone while it is charging. Phones that are charging emit a higher EMF field than phones that are already charged.

4. Corded alarm clocks produce high amounts of EMFs. Replace corded clocks with battery-operated to reduce your exposure to EMFs during sleep.

5. Be aware of what is on the opposite side of the wall from your head when you sleep at night. If there is a breaker box or an electric panel, make an effort to move your bed so your head is as far away from them as possible.

6. When not in use, appliances and electronics such as microwave ovens and TVs can be unplugged. This reduces the amount of EMFs these appliances give off even after being shut down.

7. Avoid using electric blankets, as they emit EMFs throughout the night. You can pre-heat the bed using the electric blanket and then turn off and unplug the blanket for sleep.

8. Remove electronics from the bedrooms. Only keep in sleeping areas electronic items that are absolutely necessary.

9. When microwave ovens are in use, avoid standing in front of them to reduce exposure to radiation. Move several feet away. These instructions are usually included in the manual.

10. Go wired whenever possible. Use wired connections for the internet and for making phone calls, as well as keyboards and mice.

If you follow these simple tips, in addition to using EMF Protection when necessary, you can greatly reduce the amount of EMFs you are exposed to on a daily basis. By doing so, you can help preserve your health and the health of your loved ones and pets!


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